Monday, June 18, 2012


Target Year Level:    Grade 7

Time Allotment:        60 minutes

Module No.:              1

Lesson No.:               1

Topic:                         Music of the Cordilleras

Materials:                   paper, TG and LG

  1.  Ask the students about their previous experience in music - creating, appreciating, and producing.
  2. Ask them how music relates to one’s self and in the community.

  1.  Introduce the topic – the music of the highlands of Luzon.
  2. Use the K-W-L Chart to determine the prior knowledge of the students about the topic and what they expect to learn in the lesson.
  3. Draw the concept map found in the Learning Guide on the board. Discuss the concept map for the music of the Cordilleras.

  1.  Ask the students to clap their hands alternately, simultaneously, or individually.
  2. Let them tell the differences in the sound produces through different claps.
  3. Let the students discover and understand the process of producing music in the Cordilleras.
  4. Relate the production of music in the life of the village or in the affairs of the community.

  1.  Music in the Cordilleras is communal – everybody in the community participates in the production and appreciation of music.
  2. Ask for volunteers – at least three students. Let the students clap the following patterns: strong, rest, strong, rest ..... Do this as if the students are making a round song.

  1.  Let the students produce simple music through clapping. Observe the strong – rest – strong pattern.
  2. Ask the students to share their stories about the sounds that they hear and how they or their classmates participated in the activity. Let them relate these experiences to:

a.    Family affairs
b.    School activities
c.    Day to day activities in the community
d.    Political system
e.    World order and worldviews

  1.  Let the students bring the following materials next meeting: a piece of bamboo segment similar to tongatong, a piece of round wood at least 1 foot in length and 2 inches in diameter, or bamboo sticks of at least 1 inch in width and 1 foot in length.
  2. Write a short reflection about the lesson for the day. Let them answer the following in their Reflection Notebooks:

a.    Which part of the lesson did you like most? Why?
b.    Which part of the discussion did you find difficult? What do you think will be the best strategy for you to learn that part of the lesson?
c.    Which part of the lesson do you intend to learn more? How will you do that?

This lesson plan is based on the K to 12 Teaching and Learning Modules for Grade 7. Please feel free to give your feedbacks, comments, or suggestions.

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